I enjoyed my Alexander Technique class Tuesday evening: a light-hearted gathering of folks looking at our human selves in activity. If you choose to read this synopsis, please realize you're coming in in the middle of a conversation...
I wonder, when you chose to do something different, whether the improvement has more to do with with just being conscious of what you were doing than it did with the presence or absence of glasses. When you put your glasses back on you didn't go back to doing the things you've been doing before. However, there might be a place for just trying little different things; the different thing doesn't by itself change the way you do things in such a way that makes you wonderfully free, yet it still will make you conscious of what you are doing in a way that will bring in whatever it is that you love about doing this work.
"Player 2" reports on a few things tried since last class:
-Thinking not only about shoulders away from each other, but also about thinking beyond to the space around the shoulders. You figured this one out without my input! I got a lot of this idea from Peter Nobes (http://www.alexandertech.co. uk/) We talked about also the space above and the space behind.
-Lifting a garage door, conscious of how the action is done most effectively. In Alexander terms this is using a "position of mechanical advantage" also sometimes referred to as a "monkey".
Then we moved from the monkey at the garage door into being on the spot when performing and staying present when you're on the spot, which can be very challenging (especially if you know how to hide!)
Looking forward to next Tuesday! Info on the class at djernigan.com.
ongoing introductory course:
Mondays, 12-1:30 pm, or Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm.
Course fee: 5 weeks of your choice for $150, or drop in for one class for $30;
in a private home in Silver Spring, MD (contact for directions) There is room for 6 people; please contact David to register:
240-393-1916 or
Mondays, 12-1:30 pm, or Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm.
Course fee: 5 weeks of your choice for $150, or drop in for one class for $30;
in a private home in Silver Spring, MD (contact for directions) There is room for 6 people; please contact David to register:
240-393-1916 or